'All vows are rash.' 'All women are crazy.' 'Marriage; a duel to the death which no man of honor should decline.' GK Chesterton went on to suggest that two stubborn pieces of iron must become red hot to weld them together. He suggested that 'sex' was the gateway to adventure but too many people want to hang around the gateway instead of embracing the adventure (meaning getting into a real live relationship defined by marriage vows). He said that a vow is an invisible line tying a man to the future. Does this not make you want to jump right in? All of a sudden my vows to Kris are not old and boring but relevant, even exciting me to the future! I have a pet peeve. It's called a Christian life that is only 'positive and encouraging' and not 'dangerous and exciting'. It's called a life that is 'safe for the whole family' but not 'provocative and life stimulating' in the truth. God exists to bring us comfort and safety but not to challenge our small assumptions and transform our lives, not to steer our ship out of safe harbor. 'There never was anything so perilous or so exciting as orthodoxy.' Thank you Jim for inviting me to a seminar on GK Chesterton at Focus on the Family. It reminded me:
Boredom: 'Irreverence for the present;'
Baby: 'The kingdom of God; the most beautiful thing on earth.'
Automobile: 'A way of going very quickly when I am bored in London to bore somebody else in Yorkshire.'