I’ve been wanting for some time to embark on an interactive adventure to know Jesus better. Not just the Jesus who died on the cross and is coming again but the Jesus who walked on the earth. The Jesus between the bookends. The Jesus who reached out to a fallen human race full of pain, distrustful and even dead set against him and his love; the Jesus who ate with sinners and saints; the Jesus who found people of peace as diverse as Zachaeus the tax collector, Simon the zealot, Nicodemus the Pharisee, Mary possessed by 7 demons, even the unnamed thirsty, woman of the world at the well. It is time to pursue this Jesus and to imitate him today in our world, filled with the very same sorts of people. How do we weave our way through a hurting angry world, doing the work God has called us to; forgiving & blessing with hope instead of picking up pain and bitterness of soul; offering healing prayer and interceding for every last lost soul we come across. Are you ready to embark on an adventure of epic proportion with me - an adventure of listening and doing, a practicum in the Gospel of Luke? You may have already missed ‘Jesus; the prequel’ (check out sermons on our website on April 28th and May 5th.) Live the adventure this summer with Aspen Ridge Church!