Ever once in a while I have a defining moment as I try to grasp what God is up to in the world, more specifically the world we live in. Three questions rose in my mind as I studied Luke 5:1-11. What was Jesus doing by a lake? What was he doing fishing from a boat on a lake? And, why did he catch so many fish? I mean, he IS on a mission. He's even modeling our mission in many ways. (Why am I on the planet?) Here are my attempts at answering these three questions:
(1) Most of Jesus' kingdom outreach doesn't happen in a building. Our lives are on display.
(2) Most of Jesus' mission-training doesn't happen in a building. Peter was tired, sweaty, defeated and he smelled like fish. Jesus saw a teaching moment, the kind that usually happen when you and I are at the end of our rope. Apprenticeship happens on the go, usually during inconvenient times, in a person's daily life. Never leave ministry for a professional.
(3) Don't wait until you're ready to share the kingdom. It's all about Jesus, not you. When Peter saw Jesus command every fish in the lake leaped into his nets, causing them to tear and making it difficult to keep two boats afloat, he said, 'Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.' He had an 'aha' moment. The foundation of a nonjudgmental, messy, full of grace festival of the heart spilling over onto others, rests on the full awareness of my unworthiness and Christ's sufficiency. Don't wait until you're ready. Expect God to blow your socks off and blow your hair back. God gets the most glory when you reach the end of yourself, obey him anyway, he shows up and does something you can barely comprehend, and you find yourself 'all in.'
In less than 3 weeks Aspen Ridge is invading 'Lone Duck Campground'. What an opportunity to just be ourselves out in public. We will be the church and 'have' church in front of God and everybody. It is my prayer that what the staff and our fellow campers remember about us will be that we were the friendliest group of people they ever met who were passionate about God. And if Stanley Steamer Kyle is out there - God is alive and doing his work. Please don't give up on him!