1. To worship and respond to the revealed Word of God. This as opposed to critiquing each other or church services.
ARC is not in competition with other churches to provide the most meaningful worship and best preaching this side of paradise. We seek to provide a good, Christ-focused atmosphere for the body to ‘in spirit and truth’ lift our Lord high. We seek to provide solid, Biblically based preaching and teaching, so that those listening may be motivated to live lives worthy of the gospel. We think the most effective body-life is not one that is focused on measuring and critiquing one another but is focused on a joyful life of worship and obedience, trusting God to do his work among us.
2. To vigilantly engage the world with the reality of Christ. This as opposed to criticizing sinners.
ARC is not self-satisfied or smug about the gospel. We aren’t looking for a one time-‘4 laws’- hit and run shar-a-thon. We recognize the times. We are committed to engaging our world by sharing our lives, earning the trust and friendship of those around us by investing in their lives, being there when they need us. We are committed to entrusting them to God through prayer and being available to serve Him in their lives. In today’s world this may be with family out of state, neighbors or workmates, or someone in your own household. You are the long (or short) arm of Christ and His church.
At Aspen Ridge you won’t find us busily building our kingdom, keeping records of attendance & measuring our success by how many came to church last Sunday. We measure it by investing our lives in His kingdom work, planting seeds, cultivating seedlings, and trusting God patiently for fruit in His time. We measure it by the humility and service that only comes from an awareness of Jesus in our lives and a heartfelt appreciation for His shed blood giving eternal meaning to life on planet earth.
Thinking again... on mission for Jesus, Aspen Ridge Church, Falcon, CO and beyond. Pastor Dean