Luke records the sending out of the 12 as a significant event in the life
of the disciples. Surely a lesson as
well about how life in the kingdom is.
They were ill prepared by some standards perhaps but discipleship was
all about ‘learning on the go’ as God did His work through the disciple. Take
what you know and go apply it - whether it is saying ‘no’ to sin, ‘yes’ to
righteousness or letting others know about Jesus. Jesus is healing people.
He is saving people. He is welcoming people into his kingdom, a realm where
other learners were experimenting with the principles of trust and forgiveness and care -
as he makes his way with our sins to the cross.
And he’s sending out his disciples on
learning ventures, while broadening the circle. (12 in Lk9/ 70 in Lk10) They come back,
debrief, RnR and head off again. They
have crazy authority and power and their trust level sky rockets
as Jesus reveals his own power and deity.
They bring out a child’s lunch and Jesus multiplies it for 10,000
But surely Luke shares these stories, this slice
of history setting history so that we will draw parallel conclusions as
believers in Jesus Christ. Don’t wait
until you’re ready! All it takes is obedience
to what you know and the companionship of Jesus and the fellowship of the
church. God is great. Fellowship is good. But people are crazy & we are some of the
craziest mistake prone, sinners around.
But praise God we are swimming in grace. It’s his presence drenched and
influenced world that we live in, and move, and have our being.