Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Just walk across the room

I have a friend who talks to people at traffic lights. I’m not talking about visiting with someone inside his vehicle. He drives a motorcycle.  He talks to the guy who is waiting for the light to change who is driving the vehicle next to him! I have a brother who makes friends with any stranger who happens to be near him. I want to be more like them.  I think this is the heart of ‘hospitality’ - ‘philozenios’ is the opposite of ‘zenophobia’.  Hebrews 13:2 says, ‘show hospitality to strangers’. Hospitality means that you initiate interaction with someone you don’t know. What if we were just friendlier in the name of Jesus? If the person looks lost - offer to help.  If a person looks down - greet them.  Be more aware. Say, ‘Hi, how are you’ (and mean it!) before plunging into the business at hand. In this ‘God-drenched world’ God is always present and purposeful. 
In his book, ‘Just Walk Across the Room,’ Bill Hybels challenges the reader to just bring the -10 person to a -8, just a little closer to God. I can do that!  Here’s what I’ve discovered: As I initiate interaction with people I don't know, I become more human and engaged in life. (And I hope more engaging!)  All we've got to do is just walk across the room. 

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