Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Have you ever waited for the sun to break into the morning sky? Usually I just take it for granted. When you need the sun, she’s right there somewhere shining.  That’s cool.  God is all around us whether we’re aware of Him or not!  Waiting for the sun to rise is kind of like waiting for toast to pop. J I have a friend who will text me in the morning right at sunrise. “Did you see that?” He’ll text breathlessly. Wow, the wonder of the sunrise!
I am standing on a little hill waiting for the show to begin.  First the darkness turns into a lighter shade of gray and Orion fades. Then pink starts spreading across the distant horizon. Before the sun appears I detect her rays reflecting off the distant clouds, then off clouds closer to me. Minutes pass as the pink deepens and then brightens. Suddenly a tiny speck of sun flares into sight. It amazes me how quickly the sun goes from a tiny spot to a full-fledged orb.  It’s kind of like waiting for the toast to pop - you wait and wait and then all of a sudden with a - 'pop' - she arrives. So the sun arrives with a splash, in all her glory chasing darkness away and spreading her warmth throughout every nook and cranny. She is ‘like a champion rejoicing to run her course’. (Psalm 19:5) What a blessing! ‘For the Lord God is a sun and a shield; The Lord gives grace and glory.’ Psalm 84:11 And to quote Jeremy Camp: ‘I can’t wait until that day where the very one I’ve lived for always will wipe away the sorrow that I’ve faced. To touch the scars that rescued me from a life of shame and misery this is why, this is why I sing.’  Wait expectantly, but in the meantime, don't miss the glory! God cannot be avoided if our eyes are wide open. 

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