Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Summer solstice

We met at the local coffee shop to discuss their participation in our church, in their church.  A job change loomed.  A degree needed to be earned.  ‘We’re stepping back from our responsibilities but we are planning on being at church every Sunday we can,’ he said.  And then as an afterthought - ‘No, we’re not leaving the church’ - with a smile.  ‘We’ve seen people leave that way and we want you to know that we are not. We like our church.’ How simple, how mature, how refreshing, went through my head and touched my heart. 
Just like the coming of the summer solstice (today!), seasons wax and wane.  The circumstances of our lives bring about new challenges and may change how we relate to our church. But our church is meant to outlive the seasons of our lives. ARC provides a deeper strength for the journey. It halves our grief in sorrow and doubles our joy in the good times. Together we are better.  We prayed together right there in that coffee shop. We prayed for their lives and dreams, and for our church.  Such sweet fellowship.   

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