Thursday, June 28, 2012

'Little country church on the edge of town'

Church starts at 10:30 with a greeting followed by all 4 verses of 'How Great Thou Art' and all 4 verses of 'Savior like a Shepherd Lead Us' and all 4 verses of a few other venerable classics. I am taken by heart felt singing as song fills the church. There is nothing politely tolerant or passive about this. Folks are engaged in worship. All the music is gospel centered - The old rugged cross, the blood of Jesus, and repentance for sins is front and center stage! It is refreshingly old school. The choir is invited to come to the front of the church and anyone who wants to join them is welcomed to! Someone nudges me – we’re going to sing ‘Peace like a River’ for the 'special music' – would you like to join us?  No! But Yes!  So I find myself at the front of the church with 2 other people, then 3 then 5 and finally 7 of us. God’s presence grows in my heart (and I think in the room) as we sing - all four verses. 'It is well. (echo) 'It is well'.  'With my soul'.  We are part of a number of visitors lingering after a family wedding the night before.  Each group is painstakingly introduced and acknowledged with interest by the congregation. Embarrassing but inclusive. It feels, well, right. Then just before the sermon we hear a rousing rendition of ‘These are the Days of Elijah’ by a smartly dressed young woman. I sing along from my seat. The Word of God is preached. The service draws to a close with several verses of 'Just as I am'. (without one plea, but that Thy blood was shed for me) God is in the house here in Louisiana!

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